Thursday, May 28, 2009

Caught Wet Handed

Porter knows that we do not play in Georgie's water bowl....

Mow Boy

Porter helped me mow the yard a few days ago. The little boy who never wears hats had to wear a hat like mommy while he mowed. It's too bad his bubble mower doesn't actually mow because he covered the entire yard!

Baby Porter

We brought the bassinet home from Katie's and Porter wanted so badly to go "nite nite" like a "be be"

Boys being silly

Porter and I love it when we get to spend time with Katie and her boys. Last Friday we went to their house and Porter and Noah had such a great time. They really are becoming buddies. Baby Hudson is growing up so fast!

Ring Around the Exersaucer

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Thursday, May 14, 2009

More Bee

Porter remembered the bee shooing incident from a few days ago while playing outside tonight and sent himself into hysterics. I had to catch this on video again.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Caution: This laugh is contagious

While Rick is typically the funny one in our house, from time to time I can really get Porter going. While he was playing in his pool a bee kept flying by and I was busy shooing the bee away. Porter thought this was hysterical. I attempted to recreate the shooing action (while trying to keep the camera somewhat stable) and was able to get one more good laugh out of him.

A consequence of splashing...

More dino pool action

Now that we have reached the point of no return with 100 degree temperatures in Phoenix, Porter loves to play in the "wa wa" in his dino pool. He especially likes to bring his "boppy"s into the pool (balls). This pool should get a lot of use between now and Halloween, when it will finally start to cool down again!

"Lolo Peeze"

Daddy recently introduced Porter to Rolos. Porter was immediately a huge fan and now asks for Rolo Please ("lolo peeze") almost every night. He does not get a Rolo every night, but here is a shot from when he was lucky enough to have a treat. You can also see the nasty bruise he got on his left eyebrow from a recent dancing accident!

Dinosaur Pool

Monday, May 4, 2009

Outside Fun

Friday Night with Austin

Austin babysat Friday night and he had a great time. Here are some pictures she took of the night.