Monday, May 31, 2010

Mop Boy

Porter asked me this morning if he could mop the floors. That is one question I will NEVER say no to!!!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Baby Sister's Tutu

My good friend Brenda made the cutest tutu for the baby. When I picked Porter up from daycare and showed it to him he got really excited and said that it was for his baby sister. However, when Daddy got home that night and I showed him the tutu, all of a sudden Porter was jealous that baby sister got something and he claimed it was his and he wanted to wear it. If anything, we now have some great pictures to blackmail him with when he is a teenager!

Baby Belly

The baby belly really grew while we were in Alaska. This picture is at 21 weeks. The baby is in a breech position (head up), but we are planning to do a C section so her position isn't a big deal. She is measuring about a week ahead of schedule.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Gone Fishing!

Porter and Rick were able to go out on Grandpa's boat a couple of times while we were in Juneau. Unfortunately, my queasy pregnant stomach did not let me go with. The boys had a great time and very good luck with the crab pots!

I can help Grandpa drive the boat!

We got some keepers!

Not too close Daddy!

I can drive without Grandpa (at least when the boat is docked at the gas station!)

Fishing is hard work!!!

Big Bear

Sand Toys

Porter had such a great time at the beach that we decided to get him some sand toys. Even with new toys to play with, throwing rocks in the water was still his favorite thing to do at Sandy Beach!

Diaper Swing

Porter called this swing the "diaper swing"

Slide Fun

Friday, May 14, 2010

Playground at Sandy Beach

Throwing Rocks


While we were at the beach, two different bald eagles were feeding on something on the shore.

Sandy Beach

While in Juneau, we took Porter to the beach a few different times. He loved it there. He could have spent all day throwing rocks in the water.

A walk on the dock

Porter and Daddy went for a walk on the dock...

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Two Franks??

While we were in Alaska, Aunt Kathy let Porter play with the bear that he had built for her for Christmas. He thought it was really cool to have 2 Franks to hang out with!

Last Minute Alaska Trip

The end of April/beginning of May was a difficult time for our family as Rick's mom, Kathryn, had a stroke and passed away. We rushed to Alaska on April 30th. We were able to see her in the hospital for a few days before she passed. Porter was truly a blessing during this trip as he kept everyone smiling during such a difficult time.