Sunday, November 13, 2011

Chicken, Star, Rocket

Here is Porter doing his chicken, star, rocket, swim.

Monkey Walk

Here's Port doing his monkey walk and jumping in the pool.

Porter's ring dive

Porter continues to love going to swim lessons every Saturday. Here he is in action diving for a ring.

Pais and her accessory

We think Paisley will be a girl who likes to accessorize! She loves walking around the house with daddy's belt around her neck like a scarf.

The moment of GG's big surprise

I was able to capture the first few seconds of GG's surprise on video. Hopefully she's not mad that I posted this!

Happy birthday to gg

Playing in the sand

GG's birthday surprise

With the help of my Aunt Cheri, the kids and I flew to Nebraska to surprise GG for her birthday. When GG showed up at my Grandma's house, the kids and I were there to surprise her. It was so much fun. We then spent the weekend at GG and Grandpa Ted's house and Ben, Chanda and the boys came over to help celebrate.

Chanda made GG a beautiful cake!

GG's 4 little Huskers

GG's birthday serenade